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How often should I get Massage?


Chances are if you are reading this there are areas in your body in which feel like they could use a massage. Poor posture from sitting in chairs at work all week, long commutes on I-4, sleeping incorrectly, slouching while walking around in the hot Altamonte Springs sun.

Even hooking your purse or backpack on your shoulder improperly can all cause the muscles to become tense and sore. Not to mention the effects stress has on the body too!

We often get asked how often should you receive a massage?

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Pain Relief Massage in Altamonte Springs.

Really ,it depends on where you are on your journey. If you are suffering from pain or a chronic issue, you should do your first 5 massages close together. Ideally, one every 3-7 days, and then from there we reassess and alter your schedule until eventually you are on a maintenance schedule that feels best for your body.

Some people come every week, or 2, or 3...and some people come every month or 2 or 3.

We will find what feels best for your body to keep your pain and stress levels at bay.

Although massage can sometimes be seen as a luxury, the matter of fact is that massage is actually a powerful form of healing that releases toxicity from the body. Think about it, on a daily basis your body comes into contact with so many different chemicals, toxins and stressors that all play a part in seeping into your muscles that result in cramping and stiffness.

Seeing a massage therapist regularly can help to remove these impurities from the muscles to flush them out through bodily waste! TMI… I know, but it’s the truth.

The key is to hydrate properly before and after massages.

Another great benefit to regular massages is that long after stressful situations have passed, our bodies will still hold on to the emotions and trauma. Specific massage techniques can help to relieve these heavier and denser energies, especially paired with aromatherapy or energy work.

At Heal. in Altamonte Springs all of our massage therapists can provide you with the specified massage session for you, tailored to what your body AND mind need for that specific day.

Not to mention, when the body is relaxed the mind can therefore be still.

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Gaining clarity and calming the nervous system is another great benefit from regular massages. Massage therapy is a great way to maintain overall wellbeing and mental health!

You’ll notice at times during your massage near me that your mind drifts away into a gentle meditative state and this very sense of ease and relaxation that you are in during the massage can help usher in more peace and tranquility off “the table” in your day to day life.

Know that you can literally dump the garbage and debris of emotional, physical, mental and even spiritual clutter in the massage room and then leave it there… for good!

We are here to help you relax completely. The better we can treat ourselves… the better we can show up for the world around us.

What are you waiting for? Time to set up your massage near me at Heal. Spa <3

Life happens, we get it, but if you don’t put your health first… no one will.

Time to take the power back into your own hands.

Reach out to Heal. in Altamonte Springs for more information or to schedule your next massage near me.

Give us a call at 407-300-5364 or send us an email at

Peace & Wellness.

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